Saturday 12 January 2008

To Post, Or Not To Post

Well, OK, I've got the blog thing. Now I have to post something.

I started out by deciding to delay my first "real" posting until I had something sensible to say.

With the predictable result that I simply posted nothing at all. Which pretty well defeated the whole point of having a blog at all.

So finally, I decided to post this. A kind of introduction. A trailer for all the great things you're going to read about here.

I spend a lot of time doing stuff with computers. Indeed, I enjoy it. And I even admit that I enjoy it. Which must, I guess, make me a Geek or a Nerd, or some such. Though I'm not enough of either to worry about which.

In the light of that, there is no doubt that a high proportion of the stuff that turns up here will be IT-related.

Indeed, one of the things that goaded me into starting this thing was my experience with changing PDA. Last year (2007), I moved from using a Palm OS device (a Handera 330) to a Windows Mobile device (O2 Orbit). The experience was more unpleasant than I could have believed, and I felt I had to vent my spleen and share the pain. I didn't, and the urge subsided. To be re-awakened when I upgraded the Orbit to WM 6...

I also care about the environment, and yearn for a soap box from which to rail against most people's hypocrisy: "I'll do anything to protect the environment --- provided it doesn't inconvenience me or mean I have to miss out on anything good."

I also have a couple of less-than-common hobbies. In particular, I play taiko (Japanese drums), and croquet.

Right. I'll stop there. Not because I've said anything significant, but because I've got to stop somewhere, and I've done enough to satisfy the real reason for posting this: namely, that now I've posted something -- albeit something pretty banal -- I can post other things on a "business as usual basis".

Oh, the stresses of authorship...


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